Free Market

A Pandemic Is No Time to Disparage Freedom

Jeff Tucker's "In a Disease Panic, the Free Market Is Your Friend" ought to be atop everyone's reading list. As libertarians well know, people who are under the delusion that government is a creative element in society, rather than a predator, will never let a good...

The “F” Word

The “F” Word

There’s a four letter word beginning with ‘f’ that’s on a lot of people’s lips these days. I’m talking about “free.” Free just might be the most powerful word in the English language. It drastically alters people’s behaviors and can short-circuit mental reasoning like...

AOC: Definitely a Government School Graduate

It's so unfair that people have to go to bad government schools! she says. And so she moved to the burbs to get a good education; and so used her political juice to get a friend of the family into a charter school. (Charter schools are not the ideal at all, but at...

Common Objections to Free Markets – REBUTTED! Antony Davies and Keith Knight

Common Objections to Free Markets – REBUTTED! Antony Davies and Keith Knight

Antony Davies is an associate professor of economics at Duquesne University and Mercatus Affiliated Senior Scholar at George Mason University. His primary research interests include econometrics and public policy.

Find Mr. Davies at his website:

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And on Learn Liberty:



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