
The Santa Clause Mindset

The Santa Clause Mindset

What kind of imbecile would believe that everyone can acquire and consume massive amounts of resources for "free"? A child that's who. How can someone say "education should be free"? Are all the teachers unpaid volunteers? Did the construction workers who built the...

The State is the Health of War

The State is the Health of War Critics often dismiss private law by alleging that disputes between enforcement agencies would lead to combat — even though this happens between governments all the time! In truth, the incentives for peaceful resolution of disputes would...

U.S. Inflation Climbs To 7.5%

Rents rose 0.5% last month in another of a series of sharp increases since last summer. The cost of rent — the biggest expense for many households —has jumped almost 4% in the past year. Food prices also increased again, up almost 1% in January. The cost of groceries...



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