
Obey The Law!

There is a saying amongst liberty minded people: “There is no law so small that the police won’t kill you for.” The meme above pictures the “arrest” of Eric Garner. He was standing in front of a Staten Island convenience store when NYPD officers walked up and accused...

Abusing Amber Alerts

From KSAT.com: South Texas parents wanted in abduction of their 5 children; AMBER Alert issued "CPS officials were going to take custody of the children because of the parent’s involvement with drugs, sheriff’s officials said." So they abuse the Amber Alert system,...

Who’s Sick of the ‘Zombie Reply?’

On the day Hugh Hefner died I posted a picture on Twitter with a quote in which he puts forth the idea that we own our minds and bodies, and for church or state to attempt to limit that, is inappropriate. A random Tweeter deduced from the comment that if “his own mind...

The State Is All About Double Standards

There are some subjects that must be discussed multiple times until people fully grasp them. The subject of the “double standard” when it comes to State actors and their actions is one that I think about every day. On the right of the meme is a list of actions that...

The Private Sector is Greater Than the Public Sector

One of the main arguments you hear against a massive reduction in the State (or its complete abolition) is that there are just some services the private sector can’t provide. The sophist will jump right to “who will build the roads?” The individual who has thought...

Who Will Get Syria’s Oil?

Who Will Get Syria’s Oil?

On FPF #528, I discuss reports that an American company had signed an agreement with the Syrian Kurds to produce oil in Syria. The story was pushed by Secretary of State Pompeo and Senator Graham. However, the Syrian Kurds now say no agreement has been made. The Kurds...

Who Killed Bond Yields?

Central Banks of course. "In lieu of common sense, however, the guilty will use a whole lot of those impressive sounding words to obfuscate instead of argument, while very much counting otherwise on the favorable rulings of the judge (politicians) who lets this...



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