Second Amendment

Introduction to 2AS

Introduction to 2AS

Do you love flags? Do you love T-shirts? Do you love America and your God-given right to bear arms? Then put down your glass of orange juice and continue reading. We’re about to change your life.

Uncle Joe Biden Is Really Losing It

He threatens to slap this voter for saying he's against the second amendment. Don't worry, he only wants to take away your 100 round AR-14 magazines, so it's cool.

Does Foreign Press Have First Amendment Rights?

“We have now learned from submissions and affidavits presented by the United States to this court that they do not consider foreign nationals to have a First Amendment protection,” - WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson The text of the First Amendment is:...

How About a Little Gun Violence to End Gun Violence?

How About a Little Gun Violence to End Gun Violence?

A Virginia Congress-Critter suggested that the governor could call up the National Guard to enforce gun control in counties where local officials have expressed reticence to carry out gun confiscation. This should lay to rest once and for all the silly notion that gun...



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