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I Think I Just Saved Democracy. You’re Welcome.

My latest hairbrained scheme that just might work. The U.S. Capital used to be in New York City, but became so infested with lobbyists it had to move to Philadelphia, and then again to what is now Washington, D.C. One look at D.C. and obviously we need another move....

The Return of Doomsday

Former Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz and former Senator Sam Nunn have a new article in Foreign Affairs about the nuclear weapons crisis between the United States and Russia. We can't run it as a viewpoint since the authors accept false conventional narratives about...

Fighting For Our Freedom!

U.S. Army veteran who served two tours in Afghanistan deported to Mexico He says he suffered PTSD when he got back and then turned to alcohol and drugs. Perez acknowledged his guilt in delivering cocaine to an undercover officer, but pointed out he took responsibility...

It Is All About the Benjamins

Wealthy Jewish donors meet to decide how to spend their money influencing American politics to help Israel. In this case, they've decided to go after Rep. Rashida Tlaib for supporting BDS. Ron Kampeus writes: At the Jewish federation round table, there was a...

The Dirty Espionage Business

N.Y. Times: U.S. Sanctions Turn Iran's Oil Industry Into Spy vs Spy. Most Americans have a Hollywood version of the espionage business. A high-tech game of cyber-espionage and secret well-planned operations but in reality it is an age old game using alcohol, sex,...

Here Are 5 Big Holes in Mueller’s Work

Robert Mueller’s two-year, $25.2 million investigation was supposed to provide the definitive account of Donald Trump, Russia and the 2016 election. Yet even after he issued a 448-page report and testified for five hours before Congress, critical aspects remain...



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