
News Roundup 4/17/20

News Roundup 4/17/20

US News Over 5 million people filed for unemployment this week. Some experts are predicting 20% unemployment by the end of April. [Link] CNN attacked Elon Musk for failing to donate 1,000 ventilators he promised to donate. Musk hit back with proof he did send the...

David Stockman: Off The Charts!

From the Contracorner (paywall): It took 213 years and 43 presidents—-from George Washington to Dubya Bush—- to generate the first $6 trillion of public debt. Now a mad man in the Oval Office and a herd of Capitol Hill larcenists will be doing it in just 700 days....

News Roundup 4/17/20

News Roundup 4/3/20

US News Over 6.6 Americans filed for unemployment this week. That is nearly double last week’s record-setting number.  New York City police are arresting people for failing to social distance. Once arrested, they are put in a holding cell with dozens of other people....



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