Conflicts of Interest

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Kyle Anzalone

Kyle Anzalone is news editor of the Libertarian Institute, opinion editor of and co-host of Conflicts of Interest with Will Porter and Connor Freeman.

News Roundup

News Roundup 5/31/19

US News The Steele Dossier author will not speak with a prosecutor investigating the origins of Russiagate. [Link] Trump announces a 5% tariff on Mexican goods entering the US until Mexico stops the flow of migrants. Trump said the tariff would increase to 25% on...

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News Roundup 5/30/19

Nuclear Weapons A US intelligence official said Russia possibly has the capabilities to violate the ban on testing nuclear weapons and is probably not adhering to the 'zero-yield' standard. An international nuclear watchdog group does not back the statement. [Link] A...

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News Roundup 5/29/19

US News A federal judge rules its legal for Americans to record police secretly. [Link] Curt Mills explains the war in the White House over Iran policy. [Link] Facebook sharply increased the amount of its content censored in Vietnam. The censorship was done in...

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News Roundup 5/28/19

New York Times The New York Times attempted to lead its readers to believe Hezbollah is involved in drug trafficking in Venezuela. FAIR journalists debunk the claim. [Link] The New York Times falsely claims in several articles that the Iranians have and had a nuclear...

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News Roundup 5/27/19

US News Trump gives Attorney General Barr the power to declassify information about the origins of Russiagate. [Link] Americans tell the Army's Twitter account how being in the service has negatively impacted their lives. [Link] A Senate committee approved the...

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News Roundup 5/23/19

US News Tennessee ends a program that encouraged inmates to get sterilized in exchange for shorter sentences. [Link] The Supreme Court refuses to hear the case of a veteran attempting to sue the government for medical malpractice. The Supreme Court says the Feres...

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News Roundup 5/22/19

Mexico The US sanctions several Mexicans alleged to be involved in drug trafficking. [Link] India/Pakistan Nine people were killed in a battle between Indian police and separatists in Kashmir. [Link] Thirteen people died in a Pakistani raid on an IS position. [Link]...

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News Roundup 5/21/19

US News New Orleans courts are violating the constitution by holding bail hearing without the defense. [Link] A key House panel rejects the Trump Administration proposal to create the space force. [Link] An armed F-16 crashes into a California building. [Link] A...

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News Roundup 5/20/19

Weapons A Google-funded company is helping the Pentagon develop AI for drones. [Link] The US State Department approves over a billion dollars in weapon sales to Canada, Japan, and South Korea. [Link] Nuclear weapons are becoming less predictable and more dangerous....

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News Roundup 5/17/19

Trump signs an executive order that gives the White House the power to bar US telecom companies from doing business with foreign companies. Trump targeted the Chinese company Huawei. [Link] Daniel Lazare breaks down the real consequences of the fake Russiagate...

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News Roundup 5/15/19

US News In Baltimore, police are viewed as the bad guys with guns. [Link] The Pentagon released a report on the corruption of its contractors. [Link] US Trade with China In response to US tariffs, China increased tariffs from 5%-25% on $60 billion in US goods. Trump...

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News Roundup 5/14/19

US News Attorney General Barr opens an investigation into the origins of the investigations into the Trump campaign. [Link] The CBO says the Space Force will cost $3 billion upfront and $1.3 billion each year. [Link] Julian Assange Elizabeth Vos explains the...

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