
News Roundup 8/18/20

News Roundup 8/18/20

US News Schools are calling the child services on the families of students who do not attend online classes. [Link] Newly leaked documents published by BlueLeaks shows TikTok cooperates with US law enforcement in handing over information about users. The FBI and DHS...

Police Provoke Riot in Pittsburgh

I wanted to write down and submit to the Libertarian Institute what I saw today at the protest in downtown Pittsburgh over the George Floyd killing. Some background on me: I am a Libertarian—a minarchist, not an anarchist. I was brought into the movement by the Ron...

No Bailouts

No Bailouts

That adroit member of the British Parliament Enoch Powell once said that “the supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils.” This duty, incumbent upon politicians endowed with wisdom, is made difficult because “by the very order of things...



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