
Police Provoke Riot in Pittsburgh

I wanted to write down and submit to the Libertarian Institute what I saw today at the protest in downtown Pittsburgh over the George Floyd killing. Some background on me: I am a Libertarian—a minarchist, not an anarchist. I was brought into the movement by the Ron...

Anarchism and Pandemics

Anarchism and Pandemics

Anarchists face the question: Without nations and states wouldn’t a free society be especially ravaged by pandemics? Who would enforce quarantines without rebuilding a centralized institution of violence? It’s a fair question. Anarchism isn’t about a finite goal, but...

Jon Utley, Heroic Champion of Peace and Freedom, RIP

Jon Utley, one of the most dedicated and principled pro-freedom activists in the nation, passed away yesterday. For 30 years, Jon was in the forefront of the antiwar movement since he spearheaded a group to oppose President George H.W. Bush’s war against Iraq. Jon was...

Atlantic Council Loves Ukrainian Nazis

The Azov Battalion? They might love Hitler a little bit, but really are a bunch of heroes now, don't you know?: In their recent New York Times op-ed, “We once fought jihadists. Now we battle white supremacists,” Democratic Congressman Max Rose and former Federal...

You Might be a Libertarian

If the police call your home asking you to donate to their fundraiser and you respond, “Am I being detained?” you might be a Libertarian. If you didn’t recognize Walter White had a problem until the FIFTH season of Breaking Bad. You might be a Libertarian. If you...



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