
Andrew Cockburn: Blips On The Screen

What is the point of having this superb military if you can't use it? The record of this year’s wars shows that although these weapons may not provide a decisive edge in combat they excel in self-advertisement, projecting an image of all-seeing omnipotence. Drones...

The Police Lie All The Time. Can Anything Stop Them?

Mark Joseph Stern at Slate. The bureaucratic state passes laws that make it easy for cops to stop anyone at anytime for minor offences. The system incentives cops to lie and protects them from scrutiny. It is so bad that DA offices are keeping secret databases of...

BLM Protesters Sit In at Kentucky AG’s House, Arrested

87 people were arrested and charged with felonies(!) for sitting in at the Kentucky Attorney General's house to let him know that he better charge the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor. (ACLU is protesting against the felony charges. They're almost sure to be dropped.)...



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